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8-Bit Beat Down Season 2 Week 1


Champion: PaulB

Number of Matches: 50

Unique Entrants: 26



September 28, 2014

Sleeping Hulk vs. ShadowZ1 (0 - 2) | Winner's Round 1

Mackmane vs. Kaoticrader (2 - 0) | Winner's Round 1

Anime Freak AJ vs. CleverWhelp717 (2 - 0) | Winner's Round 1

THR3AT vs. I am the 441 (2 - 1) | Winner's Round 1

ComboMANIAC90 vs. FinchoMatic (0 - 2) | Winner's Round 1

Moss vs. ULTRA SALTY DAN (0 - 1) | Winner's Round 1

Queldore vs. Robjones131 (1 - 0) | Winner's Round 1

Grief vs. Gimpy (0 - 2) | Winner's Round 1

DeathMonkey vs. RayRaymonkey (1 - 2) | Winner's Round 1

YoungColdhart vs. BlackiceS (2 - 0) | Winner's Round 1

Sleeping Hulk vs. Kaoticrader (1 - 0) | Loser's Round 1

Moss vs. Robjones131 (1 - 0) | Loser's Round 1

iceWater714 vs. YoungColdhart (0 - 2) | Winner's Round 2

OPyummm vs. RayRaymonkey (0 - 2) | Winner's Round 2

AVILA vs. Gimpy (0 - 2) | Winner's Round 2

ULTRA SALTY DAN vs. Queldore (1 - 0) | Winner's Round 2

GnarlyFeats vs. FinchoMatic (2 - 0) | Winner's Round 2

AdventHD vs. THR3AT (0 - 2) | Winner's Round 2

PaulB vs. Anime Freak AJ (2 - 1) | Winner's Round 2

ShadowZ1 vs. Mackmane (2 - 1) | Winner's Round 2

iceWater714 vs. DeathMonkey (0 - 2) | Loser's Round 2

Mackmane vs. Grief (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 2

Anime Freak AJ vs. Moss (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 2

AdventHD vs. ComboMANIAC90 (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 2

Queldore vs. CleverWhelp717 (0 - 1) | Loser's Round 2

AVILA vs. Sleeping Hulk (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 2

OPyummm vs. BlackiceS (0 - 2) | Loser's Round 2

FinchoMatic vs. I am the 441 (1 - 2) | Loser's Round 2

YoungColdhart vs. ShadowZ1 (1 - 2) | Winner's Round 3

PaulB vs. THR3AT (2 - 1) | Winner's Round 3

GnarlyFeats vs. ULTRA SALTY DAN (2 - 0) | Winner's Round 3

Gimpy vs. RayRaymonkey (2 - 1) | Winner's Round 3

BlackiceS vs. AVILA (2 - 1) | Loser's Round 3

CleverWhelp717 vs. I am the 441 (0 - 2) | Loser's Round 3

AdventHD vs. Anime Freak AJ (0 - 2) | Loser's Round 3

Mackmane vs. DeathMonkey (1 - 2) | Loser's Round 3

YoungColdhart vs. I am the 441 (2 - 1) | Loser's Round 4

ULTRA SALTY DAN vs. DeathMonkey (0 - 2) | Loser's Round 4

RayRaymonkey vs. Anime Freak AJ (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 4

THR3AT vs. BlackiceS (0 - 2) | Loser's Round 4

ShadowZ1 vs. PaulB (1 - 2) | Winner's Round 4

GnarlyFeats vs. Gimpy (2 - 0) | Winner's Round 4

BlackiceS vs. YoungColdhart (2 - 1) | Loser's Round 5

RayRaymonkey vs. DeathMonkey (0 - 2) | Loser's Round 5

Gimpy vs. BlackiceS (1 - 2) | Loser's Round 6

ShadowZ1 vs. DeathMonkey (0 - 2) | Loser's Round 6

PaulB vs. GnarlyFeats (3 - 2) | Winner's Finals

BlackiceS vs. DeathMonkey (1 - 2) | Loser's Semis

GnarlyFeats vs. DeathMonkey (0 - 3) | Loser's Finals

PaulB vs. DeathMonkey (3 - 0) | Grand Finals