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Texas Showdown 2019

Offline - Houston, TX USA

Champion: Bass

Number of Matches: 48

Unique Entrants: 27



May 10, 2019

Deth2Munkies vs. ZipMasterFlex (DQ - DQ) | Winner's Round 1

Q Style vs. LiLucifer (DQ - DQ) | Winner's Round 1

BubbRubb4Real vs. Pharroh Yami (0 - 3) | Winner's Round 1

Praetor51 vs. Freeky Jason (0 - 3) | Winner's Round 1

Oreinai vs. BAWSEGRANDE (DQ - DQ) | Winner's Round 1

Tyler Yo vs. Armoreddeath (0 - 3) | Winner's Round 1

Violet vs. LordKalypso (DQ - DQ) | Winner's Round 1

Colyn vs. TheDocKlopek (1 - 3) | Winner's Round 1

Jurassic Mark vs. Hail Stan (0 - 3) | Winner's Round 1

Jurassic Mark vs. Colyn (0 - 3) | Loser's Round 1

Paramisery vs. Synphony (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 2

Grey Belnades vs. Armoreddeath (0 - 3) | Winner's Round 2

NickyFGC vs. Deth2Munkies (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 2

Hail Stan vs. TheDocKlopek (3 - 2) | Winner's Round 2

Charlieboy vs. LordKalypso (2 - 3) | Winner's Round 2

Bass vs. BAWSEGRANDE (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 2

Pixel Beat vs. Freeky Jason (1 - 3) | Winner's Round 2

Climax vs. Pharroh Yami (0 - 3) | Winner's Round 2

Wholio vs. Q Style (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 2

Pixel Beat vs. Violet (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 2

Deth2Munkies vs. LiLucifer (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 2

TheDocKlopek vs. BubbRubb4Real (3 - 1) | Loser's Round 2

Charlieboy vs. Praetor51 (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 2

Grey Belnades vs. Oreinai (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 2

BAWSEGRANDE vs. Tyler Yo (1 - 3) | Loser's Round 2

Climax vs. Colyn (2 - 3) | Loser's Round 2

Q Style vs. ZipMasterFlex (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 2

Bass vs. Freeky Jason (3 - 2) | Winner's Round 3

LordKalypso vs. Armoreddeath (3 - 1) | Winner's Round 3

NickyFGC vs. Hail Stan (0 - 3) | Winner's Round 3

Pixel Beat vs. Tyler Yo (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 3

TheDocKlopek vs. Deth2Munkies (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 3

Grey Belnades vs. Charlieboy (0 - 3) | Loser's Round 3

Q Style vs. Colyn (3 - 2) | Loser's Round 3

Armoreddeath vs. Q Style (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 4

NickyFGC vs. Pixel Beat (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 4

Wholio vs. Charlieboy (3 - 2) | Loser's Round 4

Freeky Jason vs. TheDocKlopek (3 - 1) | Loser's Round 4

Hail Stan vs. LordKalypso (2 - 3) | Winner's Round 4

Bass vs. Pharroh Yami (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 4

Armoreddeath vs. NickyFGC (0 - 3) | Loser's Round 5

Wholio vs. Freeky Jason (2 - 3) | Loser's Round 5

Pharroh Yami vs. NickyFGC (1 - 3) | Loser's Round 6

Hail Stan vs. Freeky Jason (3 - 2) | Loser's Round 6

LordKalypso vs. Bass (2 - 3) | Winner's Finals

NickyFGC vs. Hail Stan (3 - 0) | Loser's Semis

LordKalypso vs. NickyFGC (1 - 3) | Loser's Finals

Bass vs. NickyFGC (3 - 2) | Grand Finals