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Ultrafine Atomic Monthly #3


Champion: NotAlexV

Number of Matches: 34

Unique Entrants: 18



February 12, 2023

DiddySinatra vs. KingWulf (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 1

ChronoFGC vs. MartyFGC (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 1

MetropolisEightfield vs. Aphex (2 - 3) | Winner's Round 2

ChronoFGC vs. Roman22s (0 - 3) | Winner's Round 2

AbsoluteXero11 vs. WolfSlayerNinja (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 2

Zostaly vs. IcemanFGC (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 2

ConchitaAlonso vs. GeremyKatoxX (1 - 3) | Winner's Round 2

Svm vs. ItzTymeToDul (2 - 3) | Winner's Round 2

DojoMaster23 vs. Ztrain (3 - 1) | Winner's Round 2

NotAlexV vs. DiddySinatra (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 2

ChronoFGC vs. KingWulf (0 - 3) | Loser's Round 1

DiddySinatra vs. MartyFGC (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 1

NotAlexV vs. DojoMaster23 (3 - 1) | Winner's Round 3

ItzTymeToDul vs. GeremyKatoxX (1 - 3) | Winner's Round 3

Zostaly vs. Aphex (3 - 1) | Winner's Round 3

AbsoluteXero11 vs. Roman22s (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 3

KingWulf vs. WolfSlayerNinja (1 - 3) | Loser's Round 2

MetropolisEightfield vs. IcemanFGC (2 - 3) | Loser's Round 2

ConchitaAlonso vs. Svm (0 - 3) | Loser's Round 2

Ztrain vs. DiddySinatra (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 2

DojoMaster23 vs. WolfSlayerNinja (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 3

ItzTymeToDul vs. IcemanFGC (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 3

Aphex vs. Svm (2 - 3) | Loser's Round 3

Roman22s vs. Ztrain (1 - 3) | Loser's Round 3

NotAlexV vs. GeremyKatoxX (3 - 1) | Winner's Round 4

Zostaly vs. AbsoluteXero11 (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 4

DojoMaster23 vs. ItzTymeToDul (1 - 3) | Loser's Round 4

Svm vs. Ztrain (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 4

AbsoluteXero11 vs. ItzTymeToDul (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 5

GeremyKatoxX vs. Svm (3 - 2) | Loser's Round 5

NotAlexV vs. Zostaly (3 - 0) | Winner's Finals

AbsoluteXero11 vs. GeremyKatoxX (1 - 3) | Loser's Semis

Zostaly vs. GeremyKatoxX (0 - 3) | Loser's Finals

NotAlexV vs. GeremyKatoxX (3 - 1) | Grand Finals