BE CAUTIOUS vs. WybornSmash (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 1
Vouivre vs. Luna Dunno (3 - 2) | Winner's Round 1
Insightfxlz vs. Juno (3 - 1) | Winner's Round 1
UncleScarScar vs. Feedbackking13 (3 - 1) | Winner's Round 1
Banemobius vs. Kernel170 (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 1
HelloWorld vs. Trash Baby (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 1
WybornSmash vs. Luna Dunno (0 - 3) | Loser's Round 1
Kernel170 vs. Trash Baby (0 - 3) | Loser's Round 1
Juno vs. Feedbackking13 (3 - 2) | Loser's Round 1
Banemobius vs. HelloWorld (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 2
BE CAUTIOUS vs. Vouivre (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 2
Aphex vs. CQL (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 2
Insightfxlz vs. UncleScarScar (3 - 1) | Winner's Round 2
UncleScarScar vs. Luna Dunno (2 - 3) | Loser's Round 2
HelloWorld vs. WolfSlayerNinja (3 - 2) | Loser's Round 2
Vouivre vs. Juno (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 2
CQL vs. Trash Baby (3 - 2) | Loser's Round 2
Aphex vs. BE CAUTIOUS (1 - 3) | Winner's Round 3
Insightfxlz vs. Banemobius (1 - 3) | Winner's Round 3
HelloWorld vs. Luna Dunno (0 - 3) | Loser's Round 3
Vouivre vs. CQL (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 3
Aphex vs. Luna Dunno (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 4
Insightfxlz vs. Vouivre (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 4
BE CAUTIOUS vs. Banemobius (3 - 0) | Winner's Finals
Aphex vs. Insightfxlz (3 - 1) | Loser's Semis
Banemobius vs. Aphex (3 - 1) | Loser's Finals
BE CAUTIOUS vs. Banemobius (3 - 2) | Grand Finals