#DMC8v8 ALL STAR Draft Prospect
1st - Adorama Charity Cup 2: Killer Instinct
1st - Adorama Charity Cup: Killer Instinct
1st - Cruz Clash Arena
1st - Cyberfights KI Tournament Season 5 Episode 5
1st - Digital Havok #22
1st - Digital Havok #35
1st - Digital Havok #40
1st - Digital Havok #50
1st - Digital Havok #58
1st - DreamHack Community Clash Fighting Games Season 3 - Apri
1st - DreamHack Community Clash Online Series - November
1st - EGC Online Tournament #2
1st - EVO 2024
1st - FreshCuts x The Revival Presents: Combo Cuts 2
1st - Friday Night Setplay #21
1st - Friday Night Setplay #31
1st - Juicy Goes Online
1st - Killer Instinct Insurrection #1
1st - Killer Instinct Insurrection #4
1st - Kombo Klash Online #1
1st - Kross Up Week #8
1st - Low Kick Online #22
1st - Monday Night Mix #30
1st - Monday Night Mix #42
1st - MS FGC From Home June 2020 Featuring Killer Instinc
1st - NCR 2018
1st - Online Summer Series - Stop 1 of 3
1st - Pharrohs Combo Killers Season 3 Week 8
1st - Pharrohs Combo Killers Week 8 2017 Season
1st - The Labshack Throwdown 004
1st - The Revival December 2020
1st - The Revival [1/14/2023]
1st - The Revival [1/7/2023]
1st - TNS Killer Instinct Tournament
1st - TNS Killer Instinct Tournament #2
1st - TNS Killer Instinct Tournament #3
1st - Ultrafine Atomic Monthly #13
1st - Ultrafine Atomic Monthly #16
1st - Ultrafine Atomic Monthly #9
1st - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #104
1st - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #12
1st - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #129
1st - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #131
1st - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #132
1st - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #137
1st - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #139
1st - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #150
1st - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #152
1st - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #31
1st - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #51
2nd - Combo Breaker 2022
2nd - Console Combat Online:: Killer Instinct
2nd - Digital Havok #42
2nd - Digital Havok #48
2nd - Digital Havok #54
2nd - DreamHack Community Clash Online Series - July 2020
2nd - Fightsessions Online KIWC Sanctioned Event #1
2nd - KI S1 at CB2024
2nd - Killer Instinct Insurrection S2 Qualifier #1
2nd - Monday Night Mix #16
2nd - Monday Night Mix #24
2nd - Monday Night Mix #53
2nd - PCK Return!
2nd - PCK Season 4 Week 1
2nd - PCK Season 4 Week 6
2nd - Pharrohs Combo Killers #6
2nd - Pharrohs Combo Killers Season 3 Finale
2nd - Pharrohs Combo Killers Season 3 Week 2
2nd - Pharrohs Combo Killers Season 3 Week 4
2nd - Pharrohs Combo Killers Week 13 2017 Season
2nd - Ronin Rumble: Killer Instinct
2nd - The Labshack Throwdown 005
2nd - The Opener Week 7
2nd - The Revival June 2020
2nd - Ultrafine Atomic Monthly #10
2nd - Ultrafine Atomic Monthly #14
2nd - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #13
2nd - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #134
2nd - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #138
2nd - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #140
2nd - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #20
2nd - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #95
3th - CEO 2024
3th - Combo Breaker 2021 - LKO Pop Up Tournament
3th - Friday Night Setplay #3
3th - Killer Instinct Combine: Presented by GYO Score
3th - Kombo Klash Online #2
3th - Monday Night Mix #25
3th - MS FGC From Home April 2020 Featuring Killer Instinct
3th - MS FGC KI Side Tourney
3th - PCK June 2024
3th - Pharrohs Combo Killers Season 3 Week 10
3th - Pharrohs Combo Killers Week 14 2017 Season
3th - Pharrohs Killer Cup Online Invitational
3th - SCR 2017
3th - The Revival July 2020
3th - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #133
3th - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #135
3th - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #16
4th - Digital Havok #19
4th - Killer Instinct Insurrection S2 Qualifier #4
4th - PCK June 2024
4th - Pharrohs Combo Killers #10
4th - Pharrohs Combo Killers #11
4th - Pharrohs Combo Killers Week 1 2017 Season
4th - The Labshack Throwdown 003
Played less than 100 tournament games.
Played 100 or more tournament games.
Played 500 or more tournament games.
Played 1000 or more tournament games.
Daa Chronicle vs. Yorsh (2 - 0) | Winner's Round 3
Daa Chronicle vs. HoLoGrAm (1 - 2) | Winner's Round 4
Daa Chronicle vs. StepDaddyJosh (1 - 2) | Loser's Round 6
Daa Chronicle vs. Valoraxe (2 - 0) | Winner's Round 3
Daa Chronicle vs. Booty Important (1 - 2) | Winner's Round 4
Daa Chronicle vs. ItzTymeToDul (2 - 1) | Loser's Round 5
Daa Chronicle vs. Valoraxe (2 - 0) | Loser's Semis
Daa Chronicle vs. Aphex (1 - 3) | Loser's Finals
Daa Chronicle vs. KI Street (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 2
Daa Chronicle vs. ItzTymeToDul (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 3
Daa Chronicle vs. AnimeNinjaBlade (2 - 1) | Loser's Round 4
Daa Chronicle vs. Paramisery (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 5
Daa Chronicle vs. LetalisVenator (2 - 0) | Loser's Semis
Daa Chronicle vs. Waterhorses (3 - 1) | Loser's Finals
Daa Chronicle vs. HoLoGrAm (1 - 3) | Grand Finals
Daa Chronicle vs. Swordsman09 (3 - 0) | Pools - Winner's Round 3
Daa Chronicle vs. NickyFGC (0 - 3) | Winner's Round 1
Daa Chronicle vs. Aphex (3 - 1) | Loser's Round 2
Daa Chronicle vs. Jackal (3 - 2) | Loser's Semis
Daa Chronicle vs. Menzo (2 - 3) | Loser's Finals
Daa Chronicle vs. Wholio (1 - 2) | Winner's Round 3
Daa Chronicle vs. noVer23 (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 3
Daa Chronicle vs. Banemobius (0 - 2) | Loser's Round 4
Daa Chronicle vs. Cinder Is Foine (1 - 2) | Winner's Round 2
Daa Chronicle vs. Fang (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 2
Daa Chronicle vs. DoeboiV (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 3
Daa Chronicle vs. DbabyNtrish (1 - 2) | Loser's Round 4
Daa Chronicle vs. Undeadgamer2434 (2 - 0) | Winner's Round 3
Daa Chronicle vs. Thaluciandragon (2 - 1) | Winner's Round 4
Daa Chronicle vs. Vero (2 - 0) | Winner's Finals
Daa Chronicle vs. LemonHunter (2 - 3) | Grand Finals
Daa Chronicle vs. LemonHunter (3 - 1) | Grand Finals Reset
Daa Chronicle vs. ItzTymeToDul (0 - 2) | Winner's Round 2
Daa Chronicle vs. adrunkhalfbreed (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 1
Daa Chronicle vs. Nutty (2 - 1) | Loser's Round 2
Daa Chronicle vs. LemonHunter (0 - 1) | Loser's Round 3
Daa Chronicle vs. ItzTymeToDul (1 - 2) | Loser's Round
Daa Chronicle vs. Brandon Chun (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 1
Daa Chronicle vs. MsKittyClaymore (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 2
Daa Chronicle vs. SO WHAT MEANE (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 3
Daa Chronicle vs. SERIAL KILLA C4 (2 - 1) | Loser's Round 4
Daa Chronicle vs. LemonHunter (1 - 0) | Loser's Round 5
Daa Chronicle vs. Tyzo (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 6
Daa Chronicle vs. DbabyNtrish (1 - 2) | Loser's Semis
Daa Chronicle vs. RR D3ADLYKANSAS (3 - 0) | Pools - Winner's Round 2
Daa Chronicle vs. Truth (3 - 0) | Pools - Winner's Finals
Daa Chronicle vs. KI Street (3 - 1) | Winner's Round 1
Daa Chronicle vs. Waterhorses (3 - 2) | Winner's Round 2
Daa Chronicle vs. HoLoGrAm (3 - 2) | Grand Finals
Daa Chronicle vs. Mike N Ike 25 (1 - 3) | Pools - Winner's Finals
Daa Chronicle vs. GlaringHarp323 (3 - 0) | Pools - Winner's Round 2
Daa Chronicle vs. DramanK (1 - 3) | Pools - Winner's Round 3
Daa Chronicle vs. LemonHunter (3 - 0) | Pools - Loser's Round 4
Daa Chronicle vs. YoungCamThaStar (3 - 0) | Pools - Loser's Round 5
Daa Chronicle vs. Fang (3 - 0) | Pools - Loser's Round 6
Daa Chronicle vs. Cursingkleenex (3 - 1) | Pools - Loser's Round 7
Daa Chronicle vs. Bass (0 - 3) | Pools - Loser's Finals
Daa Chronicle vs. MrSpamtastic (3 - 0) | Pools - Winner's Round 2
Daa Chronicle vs. Trevward (0 - 3) | Pools - Winner's Finals
Daa Chronicle vs. LeChatNoir (2 - 1) | Winner's Round 2
Daa Chronicle vs. Tyzo (2 - 0) | Winner's Round 3
Daa Chronicle vs. DbabyNtrish (0 - 3) | Winner's Finals
Daa Chronicle vs. ITA MASTER411 (2 - 3) | Loser's Finals
Daa Chronicle vs. HKsmash (DQ - DQ) | Pools - Winner's Round 3
Daa Chronicle vs. Tyzo (3 - 0) | Pools - Winner's Round 4
Daa Chronicle vs. NickyFGC (DQ - DQ) | Pools - Winner's Finals
Daa Chronicle vs. Charbok (3 - 2) | Pools - Loser's Finals
Daa Chronicle vs. Bass (1 - 3) | Loser's Round 1
Daa Chronicle vs. OneNOnlyHD (3 - 0) | Pools - Winner's Finals
Daa Chronicle vs. WheelsFGC (0 - 3) | Winner's Round 1
Daa Chronicle vs. Flipz (3 - 0) | Pools - Winner's Round 3
Daa Chronicle vs. Tyzo (3 - 0) | Pools - Winner's Finals
Daa Chronicle vs. Sleep (2 - 3) | Winner's Round 1
Daa Chronicle vs. Svm (2 - 3) | Pools - Winner's Round 3