Discover the World of Competitive Killer Instinct
Killer Instinct World Cup Logo


Character is Unknown

Tournament Wins


Grand Finals


Top 8's


Games Played

Sets Played

Humzoid0909's Top Placements

1st - BAM 14: Battle Arena Melbourne 2024

1st - BAM: Battle Arena Melbourne 12

1st - BAM: Battle Arena Melbourne 13

1st - BANC Battle Arena Nightclub - VIC

1st - CouchWarriors Crossup 2022 - DBFZ World Tour Power Event

1st - CouchWarriors VIC April Ranking Battle (2021) - FGC

1st - CouchWarriors VIC August Ranking Battle (2022) - FG

1st - CouchWarriors VIC March Ranking Battle (2021) - FGC

1st - CouchWarriors VIC March Ranking Battle (2023) - FGC

1st - CouchWarriors VIC May Ranking Battle (2021) - FGC

1st - CouchWarriors VIC September Ranking Battle (2024) - FGC

1st - Hold Forward Season 3 #8

1st - Killer Instinct ANZ Online Tournament #03

1st - The Action 2: Action Replay

2nd - CouchWarriors VIC February Ranking Battle (2023) - FGC

2nd - Hold Forward Season 3 #3

2nd - Hold Forward Season 3 #4

2nd - Hold Forward Season 3 #6

2nd - Killer Instinct ANZ Online Tournament #02

2nd - Killer Instinct ANZ Online Tournament #06

2nd - Killer Instinct ANZ: The Surf & Turf War - Bout #02

2nd - Killer Instinct ANZ: The Surf & Turf War - Bout #03

2nd - Killer instinct ANZ: The Surf & Turf War Encore

3th - Hold Forward Season 2 #1

3th - Hold Forward Season 2 #2

3th - Hold Forward Season 2 #5

3th - Hold Forward Season 2 #6

3th - Hold Forward Season 2 #8

3th - Hold Forward Season 3 #1

3th - Hold Forward Season 3 #2

3th - Hold Forward Season 3 #5

3th - Killer Instinct ANZ: The Surf & Turf War - Bout #05

3th - Killer Instinct ANZ: The Surf & Turf War - Bout #10

4th - KIANZ November Fortnightly #2

4th - Killer Instinct ANZ Online Tournament #05

4th - Killer Instinct ANZ: The Surf & Turf War - Bout #01

4th - Killer Instinct ANZ: The Surf & Turf War - Bout #07

4th - Killer Instinct ANZ: The Surf & Turf War - Bout #09

4th - Killer Instinct ANZ: The Surf & Turf War - Bout #11

Grand Finals Win Rate


Bracket Resets Achieved


Grand Finals Reset Win Rate


Match Outcomes

Humzoid0909's Most Played Opponents

Humzoid0909's Achievements

Played less than 100 tournament games.

Played 100 or more tournament games.

Played 500 or more tournament games.






Humzoid0909's Matches

BAM: Battle Arena Melbourne 13

June 09, 2023

Humzoid0909 vs. Dringo (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 2

Humzoid0909 vs. SrMolinaH (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 3

Humzoid0909 vs. LightningFlare95 (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 4

Humzoid0909 vs. DD (3 - 0) | Winner's Finals

Humzoid0909 vs. RowdyHowdy (3 - 0) | Grand Finals

Hold Forward Season 3 #8

May 02, 2023

Humzoid0909 vs. Minze (DQ - DQ) | Winner's Round 1

Humzoid0909 vs. DD (3 - 1) | Winner's Round 2

Humzoid0909 vs. BoxxHeadx (3 - 1) | Winner's Finals

Humzoid0909 vs. BoxxHeadx (3 - 1) | Grand Finals

Hold Forward Season 3 #6

April 04, 2023

Humzoid0909 vs. Warluk (DQ - DQ) | Winner's Round 1

Humzoid0909 vs. RowdyHowdy (3 - 1) | Winner's Round 2

Humzoid0909 vs. BoxxHeadx (3 - 2) | Winner's Finals

Humzoid0909 vs. BoxxHeadx (2 - 3) | Grand Finals

Humzoid0909 vs. BoxxHeadx (1 - 3) | Grand Finals Reset

CouchWarriors VIC March Ranking Battle (2023) - FGC

March 18, 2023

Humzoid0909 vs. Midonnay (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 2

Humzoid0909 vs. RowdyHowdy (3 - 1) | Winner's Finals

Humzoid0909 vs. RowdyHowdy (3 - 0) | Grand Finals

Hold Forward Season 3 #5

March 07, 2023

Humzoid0909 vs. RowdyHowdy (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 2

Humzoid0909 vs. Say no more (1 - 3) | Winner's Round 3

Humzoid0909 vs. DD (3 - 1) | Loser's Round 3

Humzoid0909 vs. BoxxHeadx (3 - 1) | Loser's Semis

Humzoid0909 vs. Say no more (2 - 3) | Loser's Finals

Hold Forward Season 3 #4

February 21, 2023

Humzoid0909 vs. Eversoris (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 2

Humzoid0909 vs. BoxxHeadx (1 - 3) | Winner's Round 3

Humzoid0909 vs. LightningFlare95 (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 3

Humzoid0909 vs. DD (3 - 0) | Loser's Semis

Humzoid0909 vs. BoxxHeadx (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Finals

Humzoid0909 vs. Say no more (1 - 3) | Grand Finals

CouchWarriors VIC February Ranking Battle (2023) - FGC

February 18, 2023

Humzoid0909 vs. DanDandy (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 2

Humzoid0909 vs. Midonnay (3 - 1) | Winner's Round 3

Humzoid0909 vs. DD (2 - 3) | Winner's Finals

Humzoid0909 vs. RowdyHowdy (3 - 0) | Loser's Finals

Humzoid0909 vs. DD (1 - 3) | Grand Finals

Hold Forward Season 3 #3

February 07, 2023

Humzoid0909 vs. Midnight (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 1

Humzoid0909 vs. LightningFlare95 (3 - 2) | Winner's Round 2

Humzoid0909 vs. BoxxHeadx (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 3

Humzoid0909 vs. Say no more (1 - 3) | Winner's Finals

Humzoid0909 vs. BoxxHeadx (3 - 2) | Loser's Finals

Humzoid0909 vs. Say no more (3 - 2) | Grand Finals

Humzoid0909 vs. Say no more (0 - 3) | Grand Finals Reset

Hold Forward Season 3 #2

January 24, 2023

Humzoid0909 vs. Butterfingerss (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 2

Humzoid0909 vs. BoxxHeadx (0 - 3) | Winner's Round 3

Humzoid0909 vs. DemonicWFGC (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 3

Humzoid0909 vs. DD (3 - 2) | Loser's Semis

Humzoid0909 vs. BoxxHeadx (2 - 3) | Loser's Finals

Hold Forward Season 3 #1

January 09, 2023

Humzoid0909 vs. Milly (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 1

Humzoid0909 vs. BetterPart (3 - 2) | Winner's Round 2

Humzoid0909 vs. Say no more (2 - 3) | Winner's Round 3

Humzoid0909 vs. DD (3 - 1) | Loser's Round 4

Humzoid0909 vs. BetterPart (3 - 0) | Loser's Semis

Humzoid0909 vs. BoxxHeadx (1 - 3) | Loser's Finals