#DMC8v8 ALL STAR Draft Prospect
1st - CEO 2024
1st - Killer Clash 1
1st - Kross Up Week #3
1st - Lockout
1st - Monday Night Mix #14
1st - Monday Night Mix #20
1st - Monday Night Mix #25
1st - Monday Night Mix #26
1st - Monday Night Mix #27
1st - Monday Night Mix #28
1st - Monday Night Mix #29
1st - Monday Night Mix #34
1st - Monday Night Mix #36
1st - Monday Night Mix #39
1st - Monday Night Mix #45
1st - PCK Season 4 Week 7
1st - Pharrohs Combo Killers #3
1st - Rumble in the Tundra 6
1st - The Revival August 2022
2nd - DreamHack Community Clash Fighting Games Season 3 - Marc
2nd - Friday Night Setplay #24
2nd - Killer Instinct Insurrection S2 Qualifier #2
2nd - Kombo Klash Online #2
2nd - Monday Night Mix #12
2nd - Monday Night Mix #17
2nd - MurderWear Madness #36
2nd - MurderWear Madness #43
2nd - Quarantined Rapport - Killer Instinct
2nd - The Labshack Throwdown 004
2nd - The Opener Week 3
2nd - The Opener Week 8
2nd - The Revival April 2021
2nd - The Revival [12/3/2022]
2nd - The Revival [3/18/2023]
2nd - Ultrafine Atomic Monthly #2
3th - Absolute Battle 8
3th - Astral Plane #3
3th - Cruz Clash Arena
3th - Digital Havok #42
3th - DreamHack Community Clash Online Series - November
3th - FreshCuts x The Revival Presents: Combo Cuts 4
3th - Friday Night Setplay #5
3th - KI Pro League Week 5
3th - Killer Instinct Insurrection S2 Qualifier #2
3th - Kombo Klash Online #3
3th - Monday Night Mix #30
3th - Monday Night Mix #4
3th - Monday Night Mix #9
3th - MS FGC From Home June 2020 Featuring Killer Instinc
3th - MurderWear Madness #23
3th - MurderWear Madness #29
3th - MurderWear Madness #38
3th - PCK Killer Cup Online Invitational Season Finale
3th - Pharrohs Combo Killer Season 3 Week 11
3th - The Labshack Throwdown 003
3th - The Opener Week 4
3th - The Revival [11/19/2022]
3th - The Revival [3/18/2023]
3th - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #50
3th - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #79
4th - KI Pro League Week 6
4th - KI United 2023
4th - Killer Instinct Insurrection #1
4th - Kombo Klash Online #4
4th - Low Kick Online #30
4th - Low Kick Online #7
4th - Monday Night Mix #19
4th - Monday Night Mix #41
4th - Monday Night Mix #5
4th - Pharrohs Combo Killers Week 13 2017 Season
4th - The Opener Finale
4th - The Opener Week 1
4th - The Revival December 2020
4th - The Revival September 2020
Played less than 100 tournament games.
Played 100 or more tournament games.
Played 500 or more tournament games.
Played 1000 or more tournament games.
LetalisVenator vs. Rocket (0 - 2) | Winner's Round 2
LetalisVenator vs. Anime Freak AJ (0 - 2) | Loser's Round 2
LetalisVenator vs. Hanzo (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 1
LetalisVenator vs. k1ng H1tm0nl33 (2 - 0) | Loser's Round 2
LetalisVenator vs. Thee RickyG (2 - 1) | Loser's Round 3
LetalisVenator vs. Shin Paulo (0 - 2) | Loser's Round 4
LetalisVenator vs. GunsTariq (0 - 2) | Loser's Round 2
LetalisVenator vs. Seobones (0 - 1) | Winner's Round 2
LetalisVenator vs. Exeter35 (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 2
LetalisVenator vs. Yuna (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 3