Also known for: Fulgore & Jago
#DMC3v3 X #Reversal All-Star Draft Prospect - Nothing but the most fair and honest characters on this side. Blocking mix ups are what make fighting games fun.
1st - Friday Night Setplay #16
1st - KI LATAM #1
1st - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #20
1st - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #79
2nd - Adorama Charity Cup 2: Killer Instinct
2nd - Friday Night Setplay #12
2nd - Friday Night Setplay #20
2nd - ImpromptUU KI Tournament #1
2nd - KI United 2021
2nd - Monday Night Mix #43
2nd - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #44
3th - Friday Night Setplay #19
3th - Friday Night Setplay #2
3th - KIWC Online 2021 Finals
3th - The Revival September 2021
3th - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #37
3th - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #42
3th - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #86
3th - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #93
4th - Friday Night Setplay #32
4th - Killer Adepts
4th - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #25
4th - Ultrafine Atomic Weekly #43
Played less than 100 tournament games.
Played 100 or more tournament games.
Played 500 or more tournament games.
Played 1000 or more tournament games.
N1ghtslash vs. D E M O (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 2
N1ghtslash vs. Fluffy Gargos (3 - 1) | Winner's Round 3
N1ghtslash vs. LetalisVenator (3 - 2) | Winner's Round 4
N1ghtslash vs. ItzTymeToDul (3 - 1) | Winner's Finals
N1ghtslash vs. ItzTymeToDul (1 - 3) | Grand Finals
N1ghtslash vs. ItzTymeToDul (2 - 3) | Grand Finals Reset
N1ghtslash vs. OSG TheFallen (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 1
N1ghtslash vs. ItzTymeToDul (0 - 3) | Winner's Round 2
N1ghtslash vs. Feedbackking13 (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 2
N1ghtslash vs. Truthery (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 3
N1ghtslash vs. Zostaly (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 4
N1ghtslash vs. Roman22s (3 - 0) | Loser's Semis
N1ghtslash vs. NickyFGC (2 - 3) | Loser's Finals
N1ghtslash vs. LuxuryyStunner (0 - 3) | Loser's Round 1
N1ghtslash vs. OSG TheFallen (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 2
N1ghtslash vs. WolfSlayerNinja (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 3
N1ghtslash vs. LetalisVenator (DQ - DQ) | Winner's Round 2
N1ghtslash vs. Roman22s (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 1
N1ghtslash vs. KingWulf (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 2
N1ghtslash vs. Roman22s (0 - 3) | Loser's Round 1
N1ghtslash vs. Trash Baby (3 - 1) | Winner's Round 3
N1ghtslash vs. GeremyKatoxX (3 - 0) | Winner's Round 4
N1ghtslash vs. Zostaly (2 - 3) | Winner's Finals
N1ghtslash vs. NickyFGC (2 - 3) | Loser's Finals
N1ghtslash vs. Ztrain (3 - 1) | Winner's Round 2
N1ghtslash vs. Zostaly (2 - 3) | Winner's Round 3
N1ghtslash vs. Trash Baby (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 3
N1ghtslash vs. BANELINGS (3 - 0) | Loser's Round 4
N1ghtslash vs. Fluffy Gargos (3 - 1) | Loser's Round 5
N1ghtslash vs. SonicDolphin117 (1 - 3) | Loser's Semis
N1ghtslash vs. BlossomDom (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 1
N1ghtslash vs. IcemanFGC (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 1
N1ghtslash vs. Insightfxlz (DQ - DQ) | Loser's Round 1